Exit Permit of Johann Peter and Margaretha Elisabetha Faulring

Exit Permit

Description of Peter and Elisabetha Faulring
Official Copy of Exit Permit
Recorded 22 June 1952

The image above is from the official records of Saxony Coburg-Gotha.  It shows the final entry for the request of Johann Peter and Margaretha Elisabetha Faulring to emigrate to America.  The columns of information at the bottom of the page are descriptions of Peter and Elisabetha.  They record the content of their exit pass, which they needed to legally leave the Duchy.

The pass is transcribed and translated below.  Note:  The entry under Signarament/Signature is a notation for the record and not the actual signature of Peter and Elisabetha, which would only appear on their Exit Permit.  Further, the written information on the right side of the page is not included, since the text is incomplete and nearly illegible.

Signaramente Signaramente Signature Signature
des [P] Faulring des [E] Faulring of [P] Faulring of [E] Faulring
Alter: 24 Jahre 20 Jahre Age: 24 years 20yearas
Große: 5'5" 4'11" Height: 5'5" 4'11"
Statur: stark untersetzt Figure: strong stocky
Haare: blond braun Hair: blond brown
Stirn: hoch breit Brow: high wide
Augenbrauen: blond blond Eyebrows: blond blond
Augen: blau blau Eyes: blue blue
Nase: stumpf spitz Nose: stubby pointed
Mund:   ??   ?? Mouth:   ??   ??
Kinn: rund rund Chin: round round
Bart: keinen keinen Beard: none none
Geschtsform: oval rund Shape of Face: oval round
Gesichtsfarbe: gesund gesund Color of Face: healthy healthy
Besondere Identifying
  Kennzeichen: keine keine   Marks: none none
