Record of the Differt Family

Differt Church record

Differt Family Page
from 1848-9 Census of Church Families
St. Cecilia's Roman Catholic Church
Sheldon, Wyoming County, New York

The record shown above comes from a census of families who were members of St. Cecilia's Roman Catholic Church, when the parish was founded in 1848.  Prior to 1848, the Sheldon area was a mission parish in the Buffalo Diocese.

The census for the Differt Family contains considerable information about the family.  The left column gives the names of the father and mother, the next column is the date and place of their marriage.  Next in sequence are the names of their parents; the names of their siblings; their birht dates, where they came from and when and finally, the names of their children.

It is interesting to note the differences in the family name, even within the page.  Aloys Tiehforth is the son of Aloys Diefford and the children appear to be Dieffert.  After the family settled in America, the name was typically spelled Differt.
