Death Record of Ynes Rasil

Death Record

Death Record of Ynes Rasil* - 1864
San Juan Nepomuceno Roman Catholic Church
San Remigio, Cebu, Philippines

En ocho de Abril de mil ochocientos sesenta y cuatro.  En el cementerio de esta pueblo de San Remigio se enterro el cadaver de Ynes Cabaer india de treinta anos de edad casado con Francisco Cabajug del By. de Dn Tranquelino Carbardo.  Recibio los sacrementos dela penitencia y extrema uncion.

Ceferino Monticillo

On eight April of eighteen-hundred sixty-four, in the cemetery of this town of San Remigio, was buried the body of Ynes Cabaer, Filipino native of thirty years of age, married to Francisco Cabajug, of the B[aranga]y of Don Tranquelino Carbardo.  She received the sacraments of penance and extreme unction.

Ceferino Monticillo

*    The surname of Ynes used in her death record is Caber or Cabaer?.  However, most of the Church records for the birth or marriage of her children and grandchildren use the surname Rasil.  We have chosen to use the more common surname, Rasil, throughout these pages.  It seems likely that this difference in surname resulted from confusion of the surname adopted by her family in Bohol.  Other examples of confusion in surnames exist in the Church records.

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